Community of Educators

Welcome to the Faculty Page of the Andrew Weil Center Fellowship in Integrative Medicine, where diverse experts converge to share their wisdom and experience in advancing the Integrative approach to healthcare. With a curriculum designed to nurture comprehensive understanding, fellows have the unique opportunity to learn from over 66 distinguished professionals hailing from various disciplines. Here are a few you will learn from:

Andrew Weil, MD

Ann Marie Chiasson, MD MPH ABOIM

Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO

Victoria Maizes, MD

Vivian Kominos

George Schatz

Randy Horowitz

Donald Abrams

Omavi Bailey

Debra Bass

Vanessa Baute Penry

Adi Benito

Sheryl Berman

Apple Bodemer

Robert Bonakdar

B Bongaard

Fred Craigie

Rocky Crocker

Joseph Feuerstein

Alan Gaby

Mindy Green

Marsha Handel

Celia Hildebrand

Tori Hudson

Siri Chand Khalsa

Elizabeth Knight

Allison Lee

Dawn Lemanne

Ana Maria Lopez

Nisha Manek

Lewis Mehl-Madrona

Laura Micek-Galinat

Denise Millstine

Amita Nathwani

Sanford Newmark

Jose Antonio Pando

Lyn Patrick

Robert Rhode

David Riley

Ilene Ruhoy

Mia Sanders

Jaime Schehr

Rosie Sheinberg

Myles Spar

Tamara Steinitz

Joe Tafur

Genesa Wagoner

Jill Weintraub

Joy Weydert


Join the Integrative Community

Andrew Weil Center integrative medicine Fellows, drawn from the U.S. and over 26 countries, apply integrative principles across 35+ medical specialties in hospitals, clinics, and private practices across the world.

Spring 2025-2027, Starts Janaury 27, 2025

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